Browse FAQs


What can I do if my employer didn't pay over fund contributions?

You need to inform the Fund trustees of this.

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How do the latest retirement reforms affect pension and provident funds?

From 1 March 2015, contributions to a provident fund (and returns thereon) will be treated in the same ways as pension fund contributions, ie the fund member must use that money to buy an annuity with at least two-thirds of the resulting balance

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What will happen to my pension money according to the act of 2015?

From 1 March 2015, your provident fund contributions will be treated the same way as pension fund contributions AT RETIREMENT, ie you must use two-thirds of the resulting fund balance to purchase an annuity.

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What are the 10X Default Regulation strategies?

There are three retirement-fund default regulations. We have outlined the regulatory requirements below, along with the details on how 10X has accommodated the changes to best suit our members.

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How do the latest retirement reforms affect me?

It is? By who? Don't you think there would be a massive outcry if this was going to happen, much worse than the furore about e-tolls?

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Can creditors access your retirement savings?

Until the reforms are passed by parliament, they remain proposals. But you can be reasonably sure the the bulk of the proposals will become law by 2015 or 2016.

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What steps can I take to speed up a GEPF payout?

You need to follow up with the Police Department's HR Department and with the GEPF, to ensure that the necessary documents have been submitted and processed. We are 10X Investments and not associated with the GEPF.

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Why do we use 6%? (Percentage of South Africans who will be able to retire comfortably.)

According to National Treasury only 6% of the population will have accumulated enough money to retire comfortably, without having to sacrifice their standard of living.

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Living annuity

Can I split retirement annuities across various living annuities?

You can pay each of your retirement annuities into a different living annuity, with a different provider, or you can pay them all into the same living annuity at the same time, or add them

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Retirement annuity

What are the similarities between the Sanlam and Old Mutual RA's?

As a broad generalisation, both are expensive in terms of fees, inflexible in terms of contributions, confusing in terms of your investment choice, lacking in transparency on fees and performance

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Can I resume payments to my paid-up Old Mutual RA?

As you took out an Old Mutual RA, this will be a life company retirement annuity, which is underwritten and subject to a long-term contract or policy.

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Do I get my money back when canceling my Old Mutual RA?

You do, but unless its less the paid-up Old Mutual RA value is less than R7 000

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What is the maximum I can contribute to a retirement annuity?

You can invest up to 27.5% of your taxable income in a 10X retirement annuity, with a maximum tax deduction limit of R350 000 per annum.

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Are retirement annuity contributions tax deductible?

You may deduct up to 27,5% of your gross remuneration or taxable income (whichever is the higher) in respect of your total contributions to a pension, provident or retirement annuity fund, subject to an annual limit of R350 000.

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Tax-free savings account

Why should I open a Tax-Free Savings Account with 10X Investments?

Opening a Tax-Free Savings Account is a good idea. Opening a Tax Fee Savings Account with 10X is a great idea. Our low fees, proven-track record, and transparency means you get more money, tax-free!

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How can we 10X Your Future?

Begin your journey to a secure future with 10X Investments. Explore our range of retirement products designed to help you grow your wealth and achieve financial success.