Browse FAQs


When should an employer start deducting pension fund contributions?

The rules are as follows: when a company first introduces a pension fund, existing employees can choose whether they want to join or not. They have one year to make that decision.

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What happens in the event of a member’s death?

In line with section 37 of the Pension Funds Act, the trustees of the retirement fund will distribute the proceeds, considering first the needs of your dependants and then the beneficiaries listed in your nomination form.

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How can I check the progress of my claim?

Please check yourself, by phoning up the responsible fund administrator

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What is a tax certificate?

A tax certificate is a certificate issued by your retirement fund administrator that confirms the contributions you made to the fund during the tax year.

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How do I claim surplus funds without the deceased's details?

The children's mother should have this information, and she should be the person to claim for a surplus benefit.

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How do I claim a deceased member's surplus scheme?

You will need to contact your late father's former employer, or the fund administrator (MIBFA), to find out how you can claim your share of the surplus. We would have expected the letters from MIBFA to explain the process.

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How does surplus money become available and were can I claim it?

In a defined contribution fund the surplus (if any) constitutes the assets in excess of the total sum of the individual shares of the members.

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Living annuity

How much will I receive monthly from my living annuity?

f you invest two-thirds of R1.9m in a living annuity (R1.26m), you must draw between 2.5% (R32 000) and 17.5% (R222 000) per annum (R2 700 – R18 500 per month). This money will be taxed on the normal income tax tables.

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Can I buy a living annuity with my GEPF lump sum payout?

You cannot transfer to a retirement annuity as that would be tantamount to preserving your savings, which is not permitted once you reach normal retirement age.

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Retirement annuity

Can I use my retirement fund as security for a loan?

The short answer is no. In terms of the Pension Funds Act, you are not allowed to pledge or cede your retirement fund, or use it as security for a loan (other than a housing-related loan, if the fund rules provide for this).

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Can I borrow money from my Sanlam Provident Fund?

ou can only borrow money from your Sanlam Provident fund if your Fund rules permit this and the loan is for a purpose as specified by the Pension Funds Act (ie housing related). Check with your HR department.

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Do I get my money back if I cancel my Metropolitan RA?

You will only get your money back if the paid-up value of your Metropolitan RA is less than R7 000. Otherwise you must wait until your turn 55.

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Can I access the money in my Metropolitan Retirement Annuity?

Unless your paid-up retirement annuity value is less than R7 000 you will not be able to access your money until you turn 55.

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What is the maximum I can contribute towards a retirement annuity?

Retirement Annuity contributions are tax deductible under S11(k) of the income tax act.

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Tax-free savings account

What is a Tax-Free Savings Account?

Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs), which were introduced in South Africa in 2015, provide tax benefits to turbocharge your savings and grow your investments tax-free.

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